Harnessing the Power of Python on Mainframes: A Beginner’s Guide


In the world of programming, Python has gained immense popularity due to its simplicity, versatility, and extensive range of libraries andHarnessing the Power of Python on Mainframes A Beginners Guide frameworks. While it is widely used in various domains, one might wonder if Python can be utilized on mainframe systems. The answer is a resounding yes! In this blog post, we will explore how to install Python on mainframes and write your first “Hello World” program, opening up a whole new world of possibilities.


Installing Python on Mainframes: Before diving into the installation process, it’s important to note that specific steps may vary depending on the mainframe operating system in use (e.g., z/OS, z/VSE, or z/VM). The following steps provide a general guideline for installing Python on a mainframe:

  1. Obtain Python for the Mainframe:
    • Visit the official Python website (https://www.python.org) and navigate to the Downloads section.
    • Look for the version of Python that is compatible with your mainframe’s operating system.
    • Download the appropriate installation package or source code.
  2. Prepare the Mainframe Environment:
    • Ensure that you have the necessary privileges to install software on the mainframe.
    • Allocate sufficient disk space for the Python installation.
    • Create a directory to hold the Python files.
  3. Transfer and Extract the Python Files:
    • Transfer the downloaded Python installation package or source code to the mainframe.
    • Extract the files into the directory created in the previous step using the appropriate commands for your mainframe’s operating system.
  4. Configure and Install Python:
    • Navigate to the directory where the Python files were extracted.
    • Follow the instructions provided in the Python documentation specific to mainframe installations.
    • Execute the installation script or commands.
  5. Verify the Installation:
    • Open a terminal or command prompt on the mainframe.
    • Type “python” or “python3” (depending on the version installed) and press Enter.
    • If the Python interactive shell opens without any errors, the installation was successful.

Writing Your First “Hello World” Program on Mainframes: Now that you have Python installed on your mainframe, let’s create a simple “Hello World” program to ensure everything is working as expected:

  1. Open a text editor on the mainframe.
  2. Type the following code into the editor:
print("Hello, World!")
  1. Save the file with a .py extension, such as hello_world.py.
  2. Open a terminal or command prompt on the mainframe.
  3. Navigate to the directory where you saved the file.
  4. Run the program by entering the following command:
python hello_world.py
  1. If successful, you should see the output “Hello, World!” displayed in the terminal.

Getting Started with Python on Mainframes – Resources: To further explore Python on mainframes, here are some helpful resources:

  1. IBM Developer: Python on IBM Z and LinuxONE:
  2. Python.org Mainframe Documentation:
  3. Mainframe DEV Community:
    • Link: https://dev.to/t/mainframe
    • Explore the Mainframe DEV community, where developers share insights, experiences, and tips regarding mainframe programming, including Python.

Conclusion: Python’s versatility extends beyond traditional computing environments, allowing developers to harness its power on mainframe systems as well. By following the installation procedure outlined in this blog post and exploring the suggested resources, you can begin your journey into Python development on mainframes. Embrace this opportunity to leverage Python’s rich ecosystem and create powerful applications in the realm of mainframe computing. Happy coding!