COBOL in 2024: Is It Still Relevant or a Dying Language?

COBOL : Is It Still Relevant or a Dying Language?

COBOL, an acronym for Common Business-Oriented Language, is a programming language that has been a topic of debate and discussion for many years. Born in the late 1950s, COBOL was designed primarily for business and administrative computing. Over the decades, it has played a crucial role in the world of information technology. However, as we step into the year 2024, the question lingers: Is COBOL a dead language today?

The Dichotomy of COBOL’s Existence

The status of COBOL is indeed a dichotomy. On one hand, it’s considered by many as a legacy language, while on the other, it continues to underpin critical systems in various sectors. Let’s delve into both aspects to understand why COBOL is still very much alive in 2024.

Legacy Systems Dependence

COBOL in 2023: Is It Still Relevant or a Dying Language?
COBOL in 2024: Is It Still Relevant or a Dying Language?

COBOL gained immense popularity in the 1960s and 1970s and became the language of choice for many organizations, especially those in finance, healthcare, and government. These industries relied heavily on COBOL to develop and maintain their mission-critical systems.

One prime example is the banking sector. Many banks still use COBOL in their core banking systems, including ATM transactions and ledger processing. In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government had to resort to recruiting retired COBOL programmers to help manage the surge in unemployment benefit claims, highlighting the language’s irreplaceable role in certain systems.

The Dearth of COBOL Programmers

One of the reasons COBOL is often labeled as a “dead” language is the shortage of programmers skilled in COBOL. Younger developers are more inclined towards modern programming languages like Python, JavaScript, or Java, which offer a more versatile and dynamic development environment. As a result, organizations struggle to find COBOL programmers to maintain and enhance their systems.

This dearth of COBOL expertise raises concerns about the long-term viability of systems that rely on the language. However, it also presents opportunities for seasoned programmers to continue working in specialized niches, as businesses are willing to pay a premium for their expertise.

COBOL Modernization Efforts

In response to the aging COBOL workforce and the need to modernize systems, there have been concerted efforts to bridge the gap between COBOL and more contemporary technologies. For instance, tools and frameworks have emerged to integrate COBOL with web services, making it possible for COBOL-based systems to interact with modern web applications.

Additionally, organizations are investing in COBOL refactoring projects to make their codebases more maintainable and accessible to a wider pool of developers. These initiatives aim to keep COBOL systems functional while gradually reducing their dependence on the language itself.

The Resilience of COBOL

COBOL’s resilience lies in its robustness and reliability. Systems built with COBOL have a reputation for stability, often running without hiccups for decades. This dependability makes organizations hesitant to migrate away from COBOL, as system failures can result in substantial financial losses and reputational damage.

Consider, for instance, the healthcare sector. Many healthcare providers and insurance companies rely on COBOL-based systems for patient record management and claims processing. Any disruption in these systems can have dire consequences for patient care and financial operations.

The Role of COBOL in 2024

So, is COBOL a dead language today? The answer is not straightforward. While it may not be the go-to language for new software development projects, it’s far from extinct. COBOL continues to thrive in a niche environment where its strengths—stability and reliability—are paramount.

In 2024, COBOL’s role can be summarized in three key points:

1. Maintaining Legacy Systems

COBOL plays a vital role in maintaining legacy systems that are too costly or risky to replace entirely. These systems are often the backbone of organizations and, as such, require dedicated COBOL programmers to keep them operational.

2. Gradual Modernization

Many organizations are opting for a gradual modernization approach. They are identifying critical COBOL modules and refactoring them to work seamlessly with newer technologies. This approach allows them to leverage the benefits of modernization while preserving the core functionality of their systems.

3. Specialized Opportunities

COBOL programmers, especially those with extensive experience, have unique career opportunities. Their expertise is in demand, and they can command high salaries by offering their services to organizations that rely on COBOL-based systems.


In conclusion, COBOL is not a dead language in 2024; it is a living testament to the resilience and durability of certain technologies. Its dichotomy lies in its simultaneous existence as a legacy language and its gradual adaptation to modernization efforts.

As technology continues to evolve, organizations will need to carefully balance their dependence on COBOL with their long-term goals. COBOL may not be the future of software development, but it remains an essential part of the present for many industries, ensuring that vital systems continue to function reliably and efficiently.