Securely Connecting IDz with Mainframes Using SSH: A Step-by-Step Guide

Securely Connecting IDz with Mainframes Using SSH: A Step-by-Step Guide

In the landscape of mainframe development, ensuring secure access to mainframe systems is paramount. The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol stands out as a robust solution for establishing a secure and encrypted connection between the Integrated Development Environment for z Systems (IDz) and mainframes. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of setting up an SSH connection with IDz, providing a secure gateway to streamline mainframe development.

Why Secure Access Matters in Mainframe Development

Mainframes often house critical and sensitive data, making secure access a top priority. Unsecured connections expose organizations to potential security breaches, data tampering, and unauthorized access. By implementing SSH, developers can encrypt their communications with mainframes, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the data exchanged during the development process.

Understanding SSH Connection with IDz

What is SSH?

SSH is a cryptographic network protocol that enables secure communication over an unsecured network. It provides a secure alternative to traditional, less secure protocols, such as Telnet and FTP, commonly used for mainframe access.

Advantages of SSH for Mainframe Development

  1. Encryption: All data transmitted between IDz and the mainframe is encrypted, safeguarding it from potential eavesdropping or tampering.

  2. Authentication: SSH employs robust authentication mechanisms, ensuring that only authorized users can access the mainframe.

  3. Secure File Transfer: In addition to command-line access, SSH facilitates secure file transfers between IDz and the mainframe, enhancing the efficiency of the development workflow.

Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up SSH Connection with IDz


  1. IDz Installed: Ensure that IDz is installed on your development machine.

  2. SSH Server on Mainframe: Verify that the mainframe is configured with an SSH server. Most modern mainframes come with built-in SSH support.

  3. User Credentials: Obtain the necessary credentials (username and password) for the mainframe access.

Step 1: Open IDz and Access Connection Settings

  1. Launch IDz on your development machine.

  2. Navigate to the connection settings or preferences section. This is usually found under “Window” > “Preferences.”

Step 2: Locate SSH Settings

  1. In the preferences menu, find the section related to connection settings. Look for an option specifically related to SSH or secure connections.

  2. You may need to specify the SSH server address or hostname. Enter the relevant information provided by your mainframe administrator.

Step 3: Configure Authentication

  1. In the SSH settings, configure the authentication method. You can choose between password-based authentication or, for enhanced security, key-based authentication.

  2. If using key-based authentication, generate an SSH key pair using tools like PuTTYgen or ssh-keygen.

Step 4: Test the Connection

  1. Once the SSH settings are configured, test the connection to ensure that IDz can establish a secure connection with the mainframe.

  2. If using password-based authentication, enter your mainframe credentials when prompted.

  3. If using key-based authentication, ensure that the private key is loaded, and test the connection.

Step 5: Secure File Transfers (Optional)

  1. If secure file transfers are a requirement, explore the file transfer settings within IDz.

  2. Configure the file transfer settings to use SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) for encrypted and secure file transfers.

Step 6: Save and Apply Settings

  1. After successful testing, save and apply the SSH connection settings.

  2. Restart IDz to ensure that the new settings take effect.

Benefits of Using SSH with IDz

  1. Enhanced Security: By encrypting communications and implementing strong authentication, SSH significantly enhances the overall security of mainframe access.

  2. Compliance: Adhering to security best practices and industry regulations becomes easier when utilizing SSH for mainframe connections.

  3. Efficient Development: Secure file transfers and encrypted communication streamline the development process, allowing developers to focus on coding without concerns about data security.




Establishing a secure SSH connection between IDz and mainframes is a critical step in ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of mainframe development activities. By following this step-by-step guide, developers can implement a robust and secure connection that not only meets the stringent security requirements of mainframe environments but also contributes to a more efficient and streamlined development workflow.

In an era where cybersecurity is a top priority, integrating SSH with IDz exemplifies a commitment to secure and responsible mainframe development practices. As technology continues to evolve, embracing secure communication protocols becomes not only a necessity but a fundamental aspect of maintaining a resilient and trusted mainframe infrastructure.