Are “GO TO” Statements Bad for COBOL Programming?

Are “GO TO” Statements Bad for COBOL Programming? How to Modify Existing Programs to Remove Them?

In the realm of programming languages, debates about best practices and coding conventions are not uncommon. One topic that often stirs discussion, especially in the context of legacy programming languages like COBOL, is the use of “GO TO” statements. These statements allow program control to jump to a specified label, often leading to intricate and convoluted program flows. While “GO TO” statements can serve as a quick and easy solution for certain programming challenges, they are often criticized for making code less readable, maintainable, and prone to errors. In this blog post, we will delve into the debate surrounding “GO TO” statements in COBOL programming, explore the reasons behind the criticisms, and provide guidance on how to modify existing programs to remove them.


Are GO TO Statements Bad for COBOL Programming

Understanding “GO TO” Statements in COBOL

Before delving into the discussion about the pros and cons of “GO TO” statements, let’s take a moment to understand what they are and how they function within COBOL programming.

“GO TO” statements, as the name suggests, allow program control to jump from one part of the code to another by specifying a label. This can result in non-linear and complex program flows that are often difficult to follow and comprehend. While “GO TO” statements can be useful in certain situations, such as breaking out of nested loops or handling error conditions, their indiscriminate use can lead to what is commonly referred to as “spaghetti code.”

Spaghetti code refers to code that is tangled and hard to follow, resembling a plate of tangled spaghetti noodles. In spaghetti code, program logic is scattered across different parts of the codebase, making it challenging to understand, debug, and maintain. This is where the debate about the use of “GO TO” statements comes into play.

The Case Against “GO TO” Statements

Critics of “GO TO” statements argue that they introduce several issues that can hinder code quality, maintainability, and readability:

  1. Obscured Logic Flow: The non-linear nature of “GO TO” statements can obscure the intended logic flow of the program. This makes it difficult for developers, especially those who are not familiar with the code, to understand how the program works.
  2. Difficult Debugging: When an error occurs in a program containing “GO TO” statements, tracing the execution path to identify the root cause of the problem becomes challenging. This can lead to longer debugging cycles and increased maintenance efforts.
  3. Maintenance Nightmare: As programs grow and evolve over time, making changes to code that heavily relies on “GO TO” statements can be a nightmare. Adding new features or fixing bugs may inadvertently introduce unintended consequences due to the complexity of the program flow.
  4. Readability and Documentation: Code that heavily relies on “GO TO” statements lacks clarity and readability. This can lead to a lack of proper documentation and hinder knowledge sharing among team members.
  5. Risk of Logic Errors: “GO TO” statements can introduce the possibility of logic errors that are difficult to catch during code review or testing. Programmers may struggle to predict the exact path of execution, leading to unexpected behaviors.

Removing “GO TO” Statements: A Step-by-Step Approach

If you find yourself dealing with a COBOL program riddled with “GO TO” statements and are convinced of the benefits of refactoring, fear not! Removing “GO TO” statements and refactoring your code for better readability and maintainability is a worthy endeavor. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you get started:

Step 1: Analysis and Planning

Begin by thoroughly analyzing the existing codebase to identify the occurrences of “GO TO” statements and understand the logic flow they create. Create a plan for refactoring the code, considering how to replace “GO TO” statements with structured control flow constructs.

Step 2: Identify Key Logic Blocks

Identify key logic blocks within the program that are currently controlled by “GO TO” statements. These blocks often represent sections of code that perform specific tasks or handle specific scenarios.

Step 3: Introduce Subroutines or Procedures

Instead of using “GO TO” statements, consider refactoring the code to use subroutines or procedures. Subroutines allow you to encapsulate specific tasks or sections of code into separate units, improving code organization and maintainability.

Step 4: Implement Structured Control Flow

Replace the “GO TO” statements with structured control flow constructs such as “PERFORM” statements, “IF-THEN-ELSE” constructs, and loops. This will help make the logic flow of the program more explicit and easier to follow.

Step 5: Refactor and Test Incrementally

Refactor the code incrementally, focusing on one logic block at a time. After refactoring each block, thoroughly test the modified code to ensure that it functions correctly and produces the expected results.

Step 6: Update Documentation

As you refactor the code, update the documentation to reflect the changes you’ve made. Clear and up-to-date documentation is essential for ensuring that other developers can understand and maintain the code in the future.

Step 7: Code Review and Collaboration

Engage in code reviews with fellow developers to get feedback on the refactored code. Collaborative efforts can lead to further improvements and help catch any potential issues that may have been missed.

Benefits of Removing “GO TO” Statements

By diligently following the steps outlined above and refactoring your COBOL code to remove “GO TO” statements, you stand to gain several benefits:

  1. Improved Readability: The refactored code will be easier to read, understand, and maintain. This is especially important when multiple developers are working on the same codebase.
  2. Enhanced Maintainability: Refactoring eliminates the risks associated with maintaining code that relies heavily on “GO TO” statements. Making changes or adding new features becomes less error-prone.
  3. Reduced Debugging Time: The structured control flow introduced during refactoring makes debugging easier and more efficient. Tracking down and fixing bugs becomes less daunting.
  4. Code Reusability: By implementing subroutines and structured control flow constructs, you create reusable units of code that can be leveraged across different parts of the program.
  5. Team Collaboration: Refactoring to remove “GO TO” statements promotes better collaboration among team members. Developers can easily understand and contribute to the codebase, fostering a more productive work environment.


The debate about the use of “GO TO” statements in COBOL programming is not just a matter of personal preference; it has real implications for the quality and maintainability of code. While “GO TO” statements can offer quick solutions to certain programming challenges, their drawbacks, including obscured logic flow, difficult debugging, and reduced maintainability, are well-documented.

Refactoring existing COBOL programs to remove “GO TO” statements may require effort, but the benefits in terms of improved code quality, readability, and maintainability are worth the investment. By following a systematic approach, analyzing the codebase, introducing structured control flow, and collaborating with your team, you can transform spaghetti code into a well-organized and maintainable codebase that stands the test of time.

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, adherence to best practices and continuous improvement are essential. Embracing structured control flow and leaving behind the era of “GO TO” statements is a step forward toward creating more robust and maintainable COBOL programs that contribute to the success of your projects and organizations.