foggy(managerspeak) sentence generator

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foggy(managerspeak) sentence generator

Post by enrico-sorichetti »

Code: Select all

#! /usr/bin/rexx
Parse Arg times
/* List of LEADINS, all of which mean nothing but buy time */
leadin.1  = "In particular,"
leadin.2  = "On the other hand,"
leadin.3  = "However,"
leadin.4  = "Similarly,"
leadin.5  = "As a resultant implication,"
leadin.6  = "In this regard,"
leadin.7  = "Based on integral subsystem considerations,"
leadin.8  = "For example,"
leadin.9  = "Thus,"
leadin.10 = "In respect to specific goals,"
leadin.11 = "Interestingly enough,"
leadin.12 = "Without going into the technical details,"
leadin.13 = "Of course,"
leadin.14 = "To approach true user-friendliness,"
leadin.15 = "In theory,"
leadin.16 = "It is assumed that"
leadin.17 = "Conversely,"
leadin.18 = "We can see, in retrospect,"
leadin.19 = "It is further assumed that"
leadin.20 = "Further,"
leadin.21 = "In summary,"
leadin.22 = "It should be noted that"
leadin.23 = "To further describe and annotate,"
leadin.24 = "Specifically,"
leadin.0  = 24

/* List of SUBJECT clauses chosen for no redeeming value whatsoever */
subject.1  = "a large portion of interface coordination communication"
subject.2  = "a constant flow of effective communication"
subject.3  = "the characterization of specific criteria"
subject.4  = "initiation of critical subsystem development"
subject.5  = "the fully integrated test program"
subject.6  = "the product configuration baseline"
subject.7  = "any associated supporting element"
subject.8  = "the incorporation of additional mission constraints"
subject.9  = "the independent functional principle"
subject.10 = "the interrelation of system and/or subsystem technologies"
subject.11 = "the product assurance architecture"
subject.0  = 11

/* List of VERB clauses chosen for auto-recursive obfuscation */
verb.1  = "must utilize and be functionally interwoven with"
verb.2  = "maximizes the probability of project success, yet minimizes cost and time required for"
verb.3  = "adds explicit performance limits to"
verb.4  = "necessitates that urgent consideration be applied to"
verb.5  = "requires considerable systems analysis and trade-off studies to arrive at"
verb.6  = "is further compounded when taking into account"
verb.7  = "presents extremely interesting challenges to"
verb.8  = "recognizes other systems' importance and the necessity for"
verb.9  = "affects a significant implementation of"
verb.10 = "adds overriding performance constraints to"
verb.11 = "mandates staff-meeting-level attention to"
verb.12 = "is functionally equivalent and parallel to"
verb.0  = 12

/* List of OBJECT clauses selected for profound meaninglessness */
object.1  = "the most recent level of hardware.  "
object.2  = "the anticipated fourth-generation equipment.  "
object.3  = "the subsystem compatibility testing.  "
object.4  = "the structural design, based on system engineering concepts.  "
object.5  = "the preliminary qualification limit.  "
object.6  = "the evolution of specifications over a given time period.  "
object.7  = "the philosophy of commonality and standardization.  "
object.8  = "the greater fight-worthiness concept.  "
object.9  = "any discrete configuration mode.  "
object.10 = "the management-by-contention principle.  "
object.11 = "the total system rationale.  "
object.12 = "possible bidirectional logical relationship approaches.  "
object.13 = "the postulated use of dialog management technology.  "
object.14 = "the overall negative profitability.  "
object.0  = 14

If times = '?' Then Do
    say   "foggy.rex"
    say   " FOGGY is an interactive productivity tool designed to assist"
    say   " in the composition of monthly reports, project plans, memos to"
    say   " management and so forth.  If entered without parameters,"
    say   " FOGGY generates as output a high-fog-index sentence suitable for"
    say   " befuddling even the most determined seeker-after-content.  If you"
    say   " need vast amounts of FOGGY for really serious tush-covering, enter"
    say   " the number of sentences needed as a parameter.  For example,"
    say   " entering 'FOGGY 5' outputs half a screen of heat-treated, battle-"
    say   " hard, industrial-strength slop, well suited to choking hogs and"
    say   " assurance planners. "
    say   ""
    say   " REMEMBER:"
    say   " FOGGY can be a terrible weapon -- never abuse it."

If times = '' Then times = 1

leadnum  = 0
subnum   = 0
verbnum  = 0
objnum   = 0
lastlead = leadnum
lastsub  = subnum
lastverb = verbnum
lastobj  = objnum
outstuff = ''
linesize = 64

/* And, last but not least, here's the program */
Do i = 1 To times
    Do While leadnum = lastlead
        leadnum = RANDOM(1, leadin.0)

    Do While subnum = lastsub
        subnum = RANDOM(1, subject.0)

    Do While verbnum = lastverb
        verbnum = RANDOM(1, verb.0)

    Do While objnum = lastobj
        objnum = Random(1, object.0)

    outstuff = outstuff leadin.leadnum subject.subnum verb.verbnum object.objnum

    lastlead = leadnum;
    lastsub  = subnum;
    lastverb = verbnum;
    lastobj  = objnum;

    Do Until outstuff = ''
        k = Lastpos(' ',outstuff,Min(linesize,Length(outstuff)))
        Say  Strip(Left(outstuff,k))
        outstuff = Strip(Substr(outstuff,k+1),'L')

End /* do */

here a few samples

Code: Select all

Without going into the technical details, a large portion of
interface coordination communication mandates
staff-meeting-level attention to the management-by-contention

Further, the fully integrated test program is functionally
equivalent and parallel to the preliminary qualification limit.

In this regard, the incorporation of additional mission
constraints adds explicit performance limits to possible
bidirectional logical relationship approaches.

In theory, a large portion of interface coordination
communication recognizes other systems' importance and the
necessity for the overall negative profitability.
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort 8-)
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Re: foggy(managerspeak) sentence generator

Post by RaGa »

Hi -

What is this REXX doing? managerspeak??
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Re: foggy(managerspeak) sentence generator

Post by enrico-sorichetti »

if You had read the code You would not have asked :mrgreen:

FOGGY is an interactive productivity tool designed to assist"
in the composition of monthly reports, project plans, memos to"
management and so forth. If entered without parameters,"
FOGGY generates as output a high-fog-index sentence suitable for"
" befuddling even the most determined seeker-after-content. If you"
" need vast amounts of FOGGY for really serious tush-covering, enter"
" the number of sentences needed as a parameter. For example,"
" entering 'FOGGY 5' outputs half a screen of heat-treated, battle-"
" hard, industrial-strength slop, well suited to choking hogs and"
" assurance planners. "
" FOGGY can be a terrible weapon -- never abuse it."
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort 8-)
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Re: foggy(managerspeak) sentence generator

Post by RaGa »

ohh.. I see. The already have many sentences to say...and you give them tools too! :o
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Re: foggy(managerspeak) sentence generator

Post by enrico-sorichetti »

NOPE ...
its a tool for people who have not been trained to speak managerese
and the sentences it builds are too smart for the average manager :P
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort 8-)
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Re: foggy(managerspeak) sentence generator

Post by mickeydusaor »

that's cute Enrico
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Re: foggy(managerspeak) sentence generator

Post by zprogrammer »

Good one Mickey
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