
Moving From IMS DB to DB2 – It’s 2023 – Still, Let’s Talk!


In the realm of database management systems, organizations have long relied on IMS DB (Information Management System Database) as a Moving from IMS DB to DB2robust and reliable solution. However, as technology advances and business requirements evolve, the need to modernize and migrate to more flexible and scalable systems arises. In this blog, we will explore the journey from IMS DB to DB2, one of the leading relational database management systems (RDBMS), in the year 2023. We will discuss the reasons for migration, the benefits of DB2, and key considerations for a successful transition.

  1. The Need for Migration:

1.1. Expanding Business Requirements: In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, organizations face increasing demands for real-time data access, integration with modern applications, and seamless scalability. IMS DB, with its hierarchical structure, may struggle to meet these evolving business requirements.

1.2. Cost and Complexity: Maintaining IMS DB environments can be costly and complex. The specialized skills required for administration and development, along with licensing fees, can burden organizations. Migrating to a more widely used RDBMS like DB2 can help mitigate these challenges.

1.3. Integration and Interoperability: As organizations embrace diverse technologies, the ability to integrate databases seamlessly becomes crucial. DB2, being an RDBMS, provides better integration capabilities with other systems, applications, and reporting tools.

  1. Benefits of DB2 Migration:

2.1. Relational Database Model: DB2 follows the relational database model, which offers greater flexibility in data organization, query processing, and data retrieval. This model allows for easier management of complex relationships between data entities.

2.2. SQL Support: Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standard language for interacting with relational databases. Migrating to DB2 enables organizations to leverage the power of SQL, providing a familiar and standardized way to query and manipulate data.

2.3. Scalability and Performance: DB2 is designed to handle large volumes of data and supports high-performance transaction processing. Its advanced indexing and query optimization techniques contribute to improved system response times and overall scalability.

2.4. Application Compatibility: DB2 offers compatibility with various programming languages and development frameworks, ensuring a smooth transition for existing applications. This compatibility simplifies the migration process and minimizes the need for extensive code modifications.

2.5. Data Security and Compliance: DB2 provides robust security features, including access control mechanisms, data encryption, and auditing capabilities. This ensures that sensitive data is protected and meets regulatory compliance requirements.

  1. Key Considerations for a Successful Migration:

3.1. Comprehensive Analysis and Planning: Before embarking on the migration journey, conduct a thorough analysis of the existing IMS DB environment, including data structures, dependencies, and application usage. Create a detailed migration plan, considering factors such as data extraction, transformation, and load processes.

3.2. Data Conversion and ETL: Migrating from a hierarchical database like IMS DB to a relational database like DB2 requires careful consideration of data conversion and extraction. Implement Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes to ensure data integrity and preserve relationships between entities.

3.3. Application Code Migration: Review and modify application code that interacts with the IMS DB, replacing IMS-specific commands and APIs with DB2-compatible SQL statements. This step involves thorough testing to ensure the functionality and performance of the migrated applications.

3.4. Staff Training and Skill Development: Invest in training programs to equip your IT staff with the necessary skills and knowledge to work with DB2. This includes SQL proficiency, DB2 administration, performance tuning, and troubleshooting techniques.

3.5. Testing and Validation: Perform rigorous testing at each stage of the migration process. Verify data accuracy, query performance, and application functionality to ensure a seamless transition from IMS DB to DB2. Consider both unit testing and end-to-end testing scenarios.

3.6. Post-Migration Support: Plan for post-migration support to address any unforeseen challenges or issues that may arise after the migration. Provide ongoing training and support to ensure a smooth transition for end-users and minimize any disruptions to business operations.

  1. Migration Strategies:

4.1. Big Bang Migration: This approach involves migrating the entire IMS DB environment to DB2 in a single operation. It requires careful planning, rigorous testing, and a temporary system downtime. Big Bang migration is suitable for smaller IMS DB environments with less complexity.

4.2. Phased Migration: In a phased migration approach, the migration is divided into multiple smaller phases. Each phase focuses on migrating specific subsets of data and applications. This strategy allows for incremental progress, reduces risks, and provides opportunities for learning and adjustment.

4.3. Parallel Run: Parallel Run involves running both IMS DB and DB2 systems simultaneously, with data being replicated and synchronized between the two. This approach allows for a smooth transition and ensures business continuity during the migration process. However, it requires additional resources and synchronization mechanisms.

  1. Success Stories and Best Practices:

To gain insights and leverage best practices, organizations can look to success stories of those who have already migrated from IMS DB to DB2. Engage with experienced consultants, attend industry conferences, and join user groups to learn from their experiences and gain valuable recommendations.


In 2023, the migration from IMS DB to DB2 continues to be a relevant and significant decision for organizations seeking greater flexibility, scalability, and integration capabilities in their database management systems. By carefully analyzing the need for migration, understanding the benefits of DB2, and following key considerations and best practices, organizations can successfully navigate the migration journey and unlock the potential of a modern, robust, and widely adopted RDBMS. Embrace the transition, leverage the power of DB2, and stay ahead in the evolving landscape of data management.

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