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How to know operating system name and version in use?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 3:18 pm
by Mukul Roy

How to know operating system name and version we are using? Is there any TSO command?

Re: How to know operating system name and version in use?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 12:32 pm
by zprogrammer

Code: Select all

For more information about the command check here ... vsvarr.htm

Re: How to know operating system name and version in use?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:32 pm
by Mukul Roy
Thanks Pandora-Box. Is there any TSO command also you can help with.

Re: How to know operating system name and version in use?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:38 pm
by Anuj Dhawan
1. Not a TSO command, but if you go into ISPF option 7.3 and press DOWN a couple of times will get you to the variable ZOS390RL. The contents of ZOS390RL will be what you need.

2. ISPVCALL: Written by the great Doug Nadel, ISPVCALL provides many interesting details about a TSO/ISPF session, along with what you are after. You can invoke it from ISPF Option 6 and can execute it is as simple as entering: ISPVCALL STATUS from the Command line at Option 6.

3. And you can use this REXX, which will tell you more than what you need. I leave it on you to amend as per your needs:

Code: Select all

/*REXX ==============================================================*/
/*                                                                   */
/*                                                                   */
numeric digits 10                            /* Allow 10 digits/num  */
CVT      = C2d(Storage(10,4))                /* point to CVT         */
PRODNAME = Storage(D2x(CVT - 40),7)          /* point to mvs version */
If Substr(PRODNAME,3,1) > 3 then
  ECVT     = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 140),4))  /* point to CVTECVT     */
FMIDNUM  = Storage(D2x(CVT - 32),7)          /* point to fmid        */
JESCT    = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 296),4))    /* point to JESCT       */
JESPJESN = Storage(D2x(JESCT + 28),4)        /* name of primary JES  */
CSD      = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 660),4))    /* point to CSD         */
SMCA     = Storage(D2x(CVT + 196),4)         /* point to SMCA        */
SMCA     = Bitand(SMCA,'7FFFFFFF'x)          /* zero high order bit  */
SMCA     = C2d(SMCA)                         /* convert to decimal   */
MODEL    = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT - 6),2))      /* point to cpu model   */
CVTVERID = Storage(D2x(CVT - 24),16)         /* "user" software vers.*/
CVTRAC   = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 992),4))    /* point to RACF CVT    */
RCVTID   = Storage(D2x(CVTRAC),4)            /* point to RCVTID      */
If Sysvar(SYSISPF)='ACTIVE' then do          /* no, is ISPF active?  */
  Address ISREDIT "MACRO (OPTION)"      /* YES - allow use as macro  */
  OPTION = Translate(OPTION)     /* ensure upper case for edit macro */
  Address ISPEXEC "VGET ZENVIR"              /* ispf version         */
  SYSISPF = 'ACTIVE'                         /* set SYSISPF = ACTIVE */
                                             /* RCVT, ACF2, or RTSS  */
SECNAM = RCVTID                              /* ACF2 SECNAME = RCVTID*/
If RCVTID = 'RCVT' then SECNAM = 'RACF'      /* RCVT is RACF         */
If RCVTID = 'RTSS' then SECNAM = 'Top Secret'  /* RTSS is Top Secret */
RACFVRM  = Storage(D2x(CVTRAC + 616),4)      /* RACF Ver/Rel/Mod     */
RACFVER  = Substr(RACFVRM,1,1)               /* RACF Version         */
RACFREL  = Substr(RACFVRM,2,2)               /* RACF Release         */
RACFREL  = Format(RACFREL)                   /* Remove leading 0     */
RACFMOD  = Substr(RACFVRM,4,1)               /* RACF MOD level       */
If RCVTID = 'RCVT' | RCVTID = 'RTSS' then ,
 RCVTDSN = Strip(Storage(D2x(CVTRAC + 56),44))  /* RACF prim dsn or  */
                                                /* TSS Security File */
/*                                                                   */
CVTDFA   = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 1216),4))   /* point to DFP ID table*/
DFAPROD  = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVTDFA +16),1))   /* point to product byte*/
If DFAPROD = 0 then do                       /* DFP not DF/SMS       */
  DFAREL   = C2x(Storage(D2x(CVTDFA+2),2))   /* point to DFP release */
  DFPVER   = Substr(DFAREL,1,1)              /* DFP Version          */
  DFPREL   = Substr(DFAREL,2,1)              /* DFP Release          */
  DFPMOD   = Substr(DFAREL,3,1)              /* DFP Mod Lvl          */
  DFPRD    = 'DFP'                           /* product is DFP       */
  DFLEV    = DFPVER || '.' || DFPREL || '.' || DFPMOD
Else do                                      /* DFSMS not DFP        */
  DFARELS  = C2x(Storage(D2x(CVTDFA+16),4))  /* point to DF/SMS rel  */
  DFAVER   = X2d(Substr(DFARELS,3,2))        /* DF/SMS Version       */
  DFAREL   = X2d(Substr(DFARELS,5,2))        /* DF/SMS Release       */
  DFAMOD   = X2d(Substr(DFARELS,7,2))        /* DF/SMS Mod Lvl       */
  DFPRD    = 'DFSMS'                         /* product is DF/SMS    */
  DFLEV    = DFAVER || '.' || DFAREL || '.' || DFAMOD
  If DFAPROD = 2 then DFLEV = 'OS/390' DFLEV
  If DFAPROD = 3 then DFLEV = 'z/OS' DFLEV
/*                                                                   */
CVTTVT   = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 156),4))    /* point to TSO vect tbl*/
TSVTLVER = Storage(D2x(CVTTVT+100),1)        /* point to TSO Version */
TSVTLREL = Storage(D2x(CVTTVT+101),2)        /* point to TSO Release */
TSVTLREL = Format(TSVTLREL)                  /* Remove leading 0     */
TSVTLMOD = Storage(D2x(CVTTVT+103),1)        /* point to TSO Mod Lvl */
/*                                                                   */
CVTEXT2  = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 328),4))    /* point to CVTEXT2     */
CHKVTACT = Storage(D2x(CVTEXT2+64),1)        /* VTAM active flag     */
If bitand(CHKVTACT,'80'x) = '80'x then do      /* vtam is active     */
  CVTATCVT = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVTEXT2 + 65),3)) /* point to VTAM AVT  */
  ISTATCVT = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVTATCVT + 0),4)) /* point to VTAM CVT  */
  ATCVTLVL = Storage(D2x(ISTATCVT + 0),8)      /* VTAM Rel Lvl VOVRP */
  VTAMVER  = Substr(ATCVTLVL,3,1)              /* VTAM Version   V   */
  VTAMREL  = Substr(ATCVTLVL,4,1)              /* VTAM Release    R  */
  VTAMMOD  = Substr(ATCVTLVL,5,1)              /* VTAM Mod Lvl     P */
  If VTAMMOD = ' ' then VTAMLEV =  VTAMVER || '.' || VTAMREL
    else VTAMLEV =  VTAMVER || '.' || VTAMREL || '.' || VTAMMOD
/*                                                                   */
  ATCNETID = Strip(Storage(D2x(ISTATCVT + 2080),8))  /* VTAM NETID   */
  ATCNQNAM = Strip(Storage(D2x(ISTATCVT + 2412),17)) /* VTAM SSCPNAME*/
End /* if bitand (vtam is active) */
If Substr(PRODNAME,3,1) < 6 then
  say 'The MVS version is 'PRODNAME' - FMID 'FMIDNUM'.'
Else do
  PRODNAM2 = Storage(D2x(ECVT+496),16)       /* point to product name*/
  PRODNAM2 = Strip(PRODNAM2,T)               /* del trailing blanks  */
  VER      = Storage(D2x(ECVT+512),2)        /* point to version     */
  REL      = Storage(D2x(ECVT+514),2)        /* point to release     */
  MOD      = Storage(D2x(ECVT+516),2)        /* point to mod level   */
  VRM      = VER'.'REL'.'MOD
  say 'The OS version is 'PRODNAM2 VRM' - FMID' ,
         FMIDNUM' ('PRODNAME').'
If CVTVERID <> ' ' then ,
  say 'The "user" system software version is' Strip(CVTVERID,T)'.'
say 'The primary job entry subsystem is 'JESPJESN'.'
If SECNAM <> 'RACF' | RACFVRM < '2608' then do
  say 'The security software is 'SECNAM'.' ,
        'The RACF level is 'RACFLEV'.'
  If SECNAM = 'Top Secret' then ,
   say '  The TSS Security File DSN is' RCVTDSN'.'
  If SECNAM = 'RACF' then ,
   say '  The RACF Primary DSN is' RCVTDSN'.'
Else do
  say 'The security software is' Word(PRODNAM2,1) ,
        'Security Server (RACF).' ,
        'The FMID is HRF' || RACFVRM || '.'
  say '  The RACF Primary DSN is' RCVTDSN'.'
say 'The' DFPRD 'level is' DFLEV'.'
say 'The TSO level is 'TSOLEV'.'
If SYSISPF = 'ACTIVE' then do                /* is ISPF active?      */
  Address ISPEXEC "VGET ZISPFOS"             /* yes, is it OS?390?   */
  If RC = 0 then do                          /* yes, get OS/390 var  */
    ISPFLEV = Strip(Substr(ZISPFOS,10,15))   /* only need version    */
    Address ISPEXEC "VGET ZENVIR"            /* ispf internal rel var*/
    ISPFLEVI = Substr(ZENVIR,1,8)            /* internal ISPF release*/
    say 'The ISPF level is 'ISPFLEV' ('ISPFLEVI').'
  End  /* if RC */
  Else do                          /* not OS/390 - use old variables */
    Address ISPEXEC "VGET ZPDFREL"           /* get pdf release info */
    ISPFLEV  = Substr(ZENVIR,6,3)            /* ISPF level           */
    PDFLEV   = Substr(ZPDFREL,5,3)           /* PDF  level           */
    say 'The ISPF level is 'ISPFLEV'. The PDF level is' PDFLEV'.'
  End /* else do */
End  /* if SYSISPF */
If VTAM_ACTIVE = 'YES' then do
  say 'The VTAM level is 'VTAMLEV'.'
End /* if VTAM_ACTIVE = YES */
Else say 'The VTAM level is not available - VTAM is not active.'

Re: How to know operating system name and version in use?

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 3:07 pm
by Mukul Roy
Anuj Dhawan wrote:1. Not a TSO command, but if you go into ISPF option 7.3 and press DOWN a couple of times will get you to the variable ZOS390RL. The contents of ZOS390RL will be what you need.

2. ISPVCALL: Written by the great Doug Nadel, ISPVCALL provides many interesting details about a TSO/ISPF session, along with what you are after. You can invoke it from ISPF Option 6 and can execute it is as simple as entering: ISPVCALL STATUS from the Command line at Option 6.

3. And you can use this REXX, which will tell you more than what you need. I leave it on you to amend as per your needs:

Code: Select all

/*REXX ==============================================================*/
/*                                                                   */
/*                                                                   */
numeric digits 10                            /* Allow 10 digits/num  */
CVT      = C2d(Storage(10,4))                /* point to CVT         */
PRODNAME = Storage(D2x(CVT - 40),7)          /* point to mvs version */
If Substr(PRODNAME,3,1) > 3 then
  ECVT     = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 140),4))  /* point to CVTECVT     */
FMIDNUM  = Storage(D2x(CVT - 32),7)          /* point to fmid        */
JESCT    = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 296),4))    /* point to JESCT       */
JESPJESN = Storage(D2x(JESCT + 28),4)        /* name of primary JES  */
CSD      = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 660),4))    /* point to CSD         */
SMCA     = Storage(D2x(CVT + 196),4)         /* point to SMCA        */
SMCA     = Bitand(SMCA,'7FFFFFFF'x)          /* zero high order bit  */
SMCA     = C2d(SMCA)                         /* convert to decimal   */
MODEL    = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT - 6),2))      /* point to cpu model   */
CVTVERID = Storage(D2x(CVT - 24),16)         /* "user" software vers.*/
CVTRAC   = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 992),4))    /* point to RACF CVT    */
RCVTID   = Storage(D2x(CVTRAC),4)            /* point to RCVTID      */
If Sysvar(SYSISPF)='ACTIVE' then do          /* no, is ISPF active?  */
  Address ISREDIT "MACRO (OPTION)"      /* YES - allow use as macro  */
  OPTION = Translate(OPTION)     /* ensure upper case for edit macro */
  Address ISPEXEC "VGET ZENVIR"              /* ispf version         */
  SYSISPF = 'ACTIVE'                         /* set SYSISPF = ACTIVE */
                                             /* RCVT, ACF2, or RTSS  */
SECNAM = RCVTID                              /* ACF2 SECNAME = RCVTID*/
If RCVTID = 'RCVT' then SECNAM = 'RACF'      /* RCVT is RACF         */
If RCVTID = 'RTSS' then SECNAM = 'Top Secret'  /* RTSS is Top Secret */
RACFVRM  = Storage(D2x(CVTRAC + 616),4)      /* RACF Ver/Rel/Mod     */
RACFVER  = Substr(RACFVRM,1,1)               /* RACF Version         */
RACFREL  = Substr(RACFVRM,2,2)               /* RACF Release         */
RACFREL  = Format(RACFREL)                   /* Remove leading 0     */
RACFMOD  = Substr(RACFVRM,4,1)               /* RACF MOD level       */
If RCVTID = 'RCVT' | RCVTID = 'RTSS' then ,
 RCVTDSN = Strip(Storage(D2x(CVTRAC + 56),44))  /* RACF prim dsn or  */
                                                /* TSS Security File */
/*                                                                   */
CVTDFA   = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 1216),4))   /* point to DFP ID table*/
DFAPROD  = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVTDFA +16),1))   /* point to product byte*/
If DFAPROD = 0 then do                       /* DFP not DF/SMS       */
  DFAREL   = C2x(Storage(D2x(CVTDFA+2),2))   /* point to DFP release */
  DFPVER   = Substr(DFAREL,1,1)              /* DFP Version          */
  DFPREL   = Substr(DFAREL,2,1)              /* DFP Release          */
  DFPMOD   = Substr(DFAREL,3,1)              /* DFP Mod Lvl          */
  DFPRD    = 'DFP'                           /* product is DFP       */
  DFLEV    = DFPVER || '.' || DFPREL || '.' || DFPMOD
Else do                                      /* DFSMS not DFP        */
  DFARELS  = C2x(Storage(D2x(CVTDFA+16),4))  /* point to DF/SMS rel  */
  DFAVER   = X2d(Substr(DFARELS,3,2))        /* DF/SMS Version       */
  DFAREL   = X2d(Substr(DFARELS,5,2))        /* DF/SMS Release       */
  DFAMOD   = X2d(Substr(DFARELS,7,2))        /* DF/SMS Mod Lvl       */
  DFPRD    = 'DFSMS'                         /* product is DF/SMS    */
  DFLEV    = DFAVER || '.' || DFAREL || '.' || DFAMOD
  If DFAPROD = 2 then DFLEV = 'OS/390' DFLEV
  If DFAPROD = 3 then DFLEV = 'z/OS' DFLEV
/*                                                                   */
CVTTVT   = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 156),4))    /* point to TSO vect tbl*/
TSVTLVER = Storage(D2x(CVTTVT+100),1)        /* point to TSO Version */
TSVTLREL = Storage(D2x(CVTTVT+101),2)        /* point to TSO Release */
TSVTLREL = Format(TSVTLREL)                  /* Remove leading 0     */
TSVTLMOD = Storage(D2x(CVTTVT+103),1)        /* point to TSO Mod Lvl */
/*                                                                   */
CVTEXT2  = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 328),4))    /* point to CVTEXT2     */
CHKVTACT = Storage(D2x(CVTEXT2+64),1)        /* VTAM active flag     */
If bitand(CHKVTACT,'80'x) = '80'x then do      /* vtam is active     */
  CVTATCVT = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVTEXT2 + 65),3)) /* point to VTAM AVT  */
  ISTATCVT = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVTATCVT + 0),4)) /* point to VTAM CVT  */
  ATCVTLVL = Storage(D2x(ISTATCVT + 0),8)      /* VTAM Rel Lvl VOVRP */
  VTAMVER  = Substr(ATCVTLVL,3,1)              /* VTAM Version   V   */
  VTAMREL  = Substr(ATCVTLVL,4,1)              /* VTAM Release    R  */
  VTAMMOD  = Substr(ATCVTLVL,5,1)              /* VTAM Mod Lvl     P */
  If VTAMMOD = ' ' then VTAMLEV =  VTAMVER || '.' || VTAMREL
    else VTAMLEV =  VTAMVER || '.' || VTAMREL || '.' || VTAMMOD
/*                                                                   */
  ATCNETID = Strip(Storage(D2x(ISTATCVT + 2080),8))  /* VTAM NETID   */
  ATCNQNAM = Strip(Storage(D2x(ISTATCVT + 2412),17)) /* VTAM SSCPNAME*/
End /* if bitand (vtam is active) */
If Substr(PRODNAME,3,1) < 6 then
  say 'The MVS version is 'PRODNAME' - FMID 'FMIDNUM'.'
Else do
  PRODNAM2 = Storage(D2x(ECVT+496),16)       /* point to product name*/
  PRODNAM2 = Strip(PRODNAM2,T)               /* del trailing blanks  */
  VER      = Storage(D2x(ECVT+512),2)        /* point to version     */
  REL      = Storage(D2x(ECVT+514),2)        /* point to release     */
  MOD      = Storage(D2x(ECVT+516),2)        /* point to mod level   */
  VRM      = VER'.'REL'.'MOD
  say 'The OS version is 'PRODNAM2 VRM' - FMID' ,
         FMIDNUM' ('PRODNAME').'
If CVTVERID <> ' ' then ,
  say 'The "user" system software version is' Strip(CVTVERID,T)'.'
say 'The primary job entry subsystem is 'JESPJESN'.'
If SECNAM <> 'RACF' | RACFVRM < '2608' then do
  say 'The security software is 'SECNAM'.' ,
        'The RACF level is 'RACFLEV'.'
  If SECNAM = 'Top Secret' then ,
   say '  The TSS Security File DSN is' RCVTDSN'.'
  If SECNAM = 'RACF' then ,
   say '  The RACF Primary DSN is' RCVTDSN'.'
Else do
  say 'The security software is' Word(PRODNAM2,1) ,
        'Security Server (RACF).' ,
        'The FMID is HRF' || RACFVRM || '.'
  say '  The RACF Primary DSN is' RCVTDSN'.'
say 'The' DFPRD 'level is' DFLEV'.'
say 'The TSO level is 'TSOLEV'.'
If SYSISPF = 'ACTIVE' then do                /* is ISPF active?      */
  Address ISPEXEC "VGET ZISPFOS"             /* yes, is it OS?390?   */
  If RC = 0 then do                          /* yes, get OS/390 var  */
    ISPFLEV = Strip(Substr(ZISPFOS,10,15))   /* only need version    */
    Address ISPEXEC "VGET ZENVIR"            /* ispf internal rel var*/
    ISPFLEVI = Substr(ZENVIR,1,8)            /* internal ISPF release*/
    say 'The ISPF level is 'ISPFLEV' ('ISPFLEVI').'
  End  /* if RC */
  Else do                          /* not OS/390 - use old variables */
    Address ISPEXEC "VGET ZPDFREL"           /* get pdf release info */
    ISPFLEV  = Substr(ZENVIR,6,3)            /* ISPF level           */
    PDFLEV   = Substr(ZPDFREL,5,3)           /* PDF  level           */
    say 'The ISPF level is 'ISPFLEV'. The PDF level is' PDFLEV'.'
  End /* else do */
End  /* if SYSISPF */
If VTAM_ACTIVE = 'YES' then do
  say 'The VTAM level is 'VTAMLEV'.'
End /* if VTAM_ACTIVE = YES */
Else say 'The VTAM level is not available - VTAM is not active.'

Thanks for the code and other details.

Another query: How did you hide the code in your post?