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SAS Books.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:23 am
by Anuj Dhawan
I've compiled a list of Book on SAS which I happen to see in different libraries. They are listed in a order as and when I 'met' them and listing them here does not make me a spoke person for any of them - this is just a quick list for someone looking for a similar information:
  1. [QA276.4 .C64 2007] Cody, R.P. (2007) Learning SAS by Example: A Programmer's Guide.
  2. [QA278.2 .A43475 2005] Allison, P.D. (2005) Fixed effects regression methods for longitudinal data using SAS.
  3. [QA76.9 .D343 C47 2006] Cerrito, P.B.(2006) Introduction to Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise Miner.
  4. [QA76.76 .W56 G556 2004] Gilmore, J. (2004) Painless Windows: A Handbook for SAS Users, 3rd edition.
  5. [QA276.4 .D45 2003] Delwiche, L. & Slaughter S. (2003) The Little SAS book : A Primer, Third Edition, SAS Inc.
  6. [QA276.4 .D47 2002] Der, G. & Everitt, B. (2002) A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using SAS, 2nd edition.
  7. [QA276.4 .J344 1996] Jaffe, J. (1993) Mastering the SAS System, VNR Computer Library. June 2010
  8. [QA276.4 .H37 1994] Hatcher, L. & Stepanski, E. (2001) A Step-by-Step Approach to Using the SAS System for Univariate and Multivariate Statistics, SAS Inc.
  9. [QA276.4 .S645 1993] Spector, P. (1993) SAS Programming for Researchers and Social Scientists.
  10. [QA276.4 .C53 1997] Cody, R. Smith, J. (1991) Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language.