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Tip Of the Day!

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 12:36 am
by Anuj Dhawan
The word "Tips" sounds appropriate for this part of the Forum if not the perfect way to convey what this Section of the Forum is all about. I wanted to have a single place where in I can place all the "Small Things" about COBOL, JCL, DB2, VSAM, ISPF, SDSF and get the contribution from users as well.

Said that, this section of the Forum will have all those tidbits, a 'tip' or a 'good programming practice' which can be beneficial for a zOS practitioner-- which made my life easy and better. Please add in Your 'tip' here and make it as explanatory as possible for all of us.

All of these Tips are used by me (our staff), at times, however some of them are not. Having said that, we take no responsibility for their correctness for a given shop. Suggest that all of these Tips should be tested before ever being placed into production because - first, the set-up from shop to shop would vary and it might not be wise to you these blindly. Second, there can be some shop-specfic rules which won't make these tips to be acceptable at yor shop.

Nonetheless, Good Luck and enjoy reading and using them!