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System abends - SOC or S0C!

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:51 pm
by Anjali Chopra

This is a stupid doubt - but I thought I'll ask away - is it SOC or S0C? It should be S0C -- but I've seen people pronouncing it as "S O C" -- any specific reason or it's just a local jargon started by people who "invented" it?

I'm sorry if this sounds too silly to ask, though was curious,

Re: System abends - SOC or S0C!

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:57 pm
by Robert Sample
The code is S - zero - C but it is generally pronounced as "sock" as in "sock-7" for S0C7. The S indicates that the abend code is a System (as opposed to User) code, and the 0C refers to a class of program-related problems (S0C1 for assembler instruction error, S0C4 for addressing error, S0C7 for data exception and so on).

Similarly, CICS is often pronounced "kicks" and most people know what is being referred to.

Re: System abends - SOC or S0C!

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:55 pm
by Akshya Chopra
Yeah it "O" (alphabet) and so called as "S O C"!

Re: System abends - SOC or S0C!

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:30 pm
by zprogrammer
To my knowledge I have seen many native "english" speakers say '0' as 'O'

Re: System abends - SOC or S0C!

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:05 pm
by dick scherrer
Long ago the 0c7 and the 0c1 were among the more common abends programmers had to deal with.

For Applications that interfaced with TCAM (before VTAM) an 0c4 surfaced.

Whenever a new person on that project had this problem, they would come into the support area and ask "What's a SOCK4?".
After a few smiles around, someone would answer "To keep your foot warm" . . .

Ahhhh, MFT/MVT, TCAM, ISAM mercy . . .

Re: System abends - SOC or S0C!

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:05 pm
by DB2 Guy
Yes, it is SOC as in SOCK - possibly, a better way of saying "the thing" in single go instead of spelling it out as one letter by one...