What is zLinux?

Linux on System z, Linux on zSeries, Linux/390, zLinux, z/Linux, z/VM & UNIX Shell services. IBM OS/360, OS/370, MVS, OS/390, TPF, VM/CMS, VM/ESA, VSE/ESA, z/VSE, z/OS.
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Anuj Dhawan
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What is zLinux?

Post by Anuj Dhawan »


Linux for System z, also known as Linux/390, is the native port of Linux to the S/390 and IBM System z hardware platforms. It runs on the bare hardware, in an LPAR and as a VM, or z/VM guest.

Mainframe Linux can boost application up time and reduce support costs. But users needs to act carefully when choosing which applications to move to the open-source operating system and when training staff in the required skills. One factor for Linux on the mainframe can be the low cost of licensing Linux and/or perhaps the fact that users can modify it and rely on a community of developers to fix bugs, however, the statistics says that - the big draw is the ability to combine Linux with the mainframe's proven reliability, speed and management tools to drive down the cost of running critical applications.

Well establish business owner say that they're not interested in just getting the least expensive thing on the market instead they want something that is reliable, functional and has great customer service.

LinuxVM.org is the official home of the Linux/390 project. The purpose of the project is to provide a central source of Linux/390 information and software, and to explore the possibilities of Linux and CP integration or inter-operation.

Disclaimer: My comments on this website are my own and do not represent the opinions or suggestions of any other person or business entity, in any way.

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