Bob Evans.

This section talks about the faces behind the evolution of computer Industry, though we mostly talk about mainframe's progress.
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Anuj Dhawan
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Bob Evans.

Post by Anuj Dhawan »


Bob Overton Evans (August 19, 1927 – September 2, 2004), also known as "Boe" Evans, was a computer pioneer and corporate executive at IBM (International Business Machines). He led the groundbreaking development of compatible computers that changed the industry.

He had the overall management responsibility for development of the System/360 mainframe in the 1960s. President Ronald Reagan honored him with the National Medal of Technology in 1985 for his work on the System/360.

Evans began working at IBM in 1951 as a junior engineer after earning a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Iowa State University. When he retired from IBM 33 years later, he was vice president of engineering, programming and technology.

As stated earlier, in the 1960s, Evans led a team that developed a new class of mainframe computers called the System/360, or S/360, which allowed different applications to be run simultaneously. IBM invested $5 billion in the project at a time when the company's annual revenue came to $3.2 billion.

In 1985, President Ronald Reagan recognized Evans' work on the project with the National Medal of Technology. In 1991, he was presented with a Computer Pioneer Award from the Computing Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. From 1981 to 1995, Evans acted as a chief science adviser to the government of Taiwan, and later helped to start Taiwan's Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp.

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