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Julio Bianor

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:34 am
by JulioBianor
My name is Julio Cesar Bianor, Brazilian, 25 years old, student of Computing Sciences at the State University of ParaĆ­ba - BR.
I came across this website after researching Mainframes on the internet. I would love to learn how to program in IBM z /OS and I am counting on you to help me get on the right track.
I understand some of the logic of COBOL but I decided to go deeper with something more realistic, in this case the Hercules.
I have Hercules installed and ready to operate IBM z /OS and BD2. For several times I tried to follow tutorials found on the internet but without success. I can create and save my codes in z /OS but I can not compile, there are always some errors. I am looking forward to start searching this website for information that can help. Thank you for allowing me in and for helping me. I want to learn a lot from you .

Re: Julio Bianor

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:54 am
by Anuj Dhawan
Hello and welcome to the Forums,

Sure - whenever you have a question while you learn, post that here and someone will be around with an answer. Hercules is a great tool to have hands on with mainframes however if you have real world experience with mainframes it helps to work with Hercules, I believe otherwise it can be bit tedious to work with it.

Good Luck! :)