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Never be proud of your position, stay grounded.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:47 pm
by ShilpiSRE
Once number 9 slapped 8.

8 asked "why did you slap me"?

9 replied, "you are inferior to me, so I slapped you."

Now 8 did the same thing with 7 and when asked for the reason, he replied the same as 9 did.


7 slapped 6
6 slapped 5
5 slapped 4
4 slapped 3
3 slapped 2
2 slapped 1

Now 1 instead of slapping 0, welcomed it and allowed 0 to stand next to it.

The duo became 10.

Tables turned and number 9's turn to get slapped.

No matter how big you are, there is always someone bigger than you.

Sourced: Google/Quora.