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How to check the Return Code of each step in a job?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:15 pm
by Amit Yadaw

As perone fo the requirements, I need to check the RC of each step in a job and write it to a file. It should be done at execution time of the job. (last step of the job).

Can anybody help please?

Re: How to check the Return Code of each step in a job?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 11:39 pm
by nicc
As far as I am aware this cannot be done without running a second job to analyze the output from the first job. Having said that it may be possible to write an assembler program to go through the control blocks as the last step of the program but I would have to leave that to someone else to confirm/refute.

Why do you need to do this?

Re: How to check the Return Code of each step in a job?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:01 am
by Amit Yadaw
I need to get the step-name where the job might abend. I'll pass this step-name as a parm to a REXX program and rexx program will send an email to a group of people telling about the details where abend happened. Please suggest if there is way of doing it.

Re: How to check the Return Code of each step in a job?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:06 am
by Amit Yadaw

Re: How to check the Return Code of each step in a job?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:08 am
by Anuj Dhawan

I've taken this REXX from another resource and I believe it should help you. Please have a look:

Code: Select all

/* Rexx */                                                              
Address TSO                                                             
Numeric digits 64                                                       
@tcb = Get_dec_addr(540)              /* PSATOLD */                     
@jscb = Get_dec_addr(@tcb+180)        /* TCBJSCB */                     
step# = Get_stor_contents(@jscb+X2d(E4) 1)        /* TCBJSCB */         
step# = X2d(C2x(step#))                                                 
@jct = Get_dec_addr(@jscb+260)        /*JSCBJCT */                      
@sct = Get_dec_addr(@jct+48 3)        /* sct 1st step+16 (JCT prefix*/  
                                      /* JCTSDKAD */                    
last_step = 'NO'                                                        
j = 1                                                                   
If step# = 1 Then                                                       
    Say 'this is the first step; no rc so far --- '                     
  Do While last_step = 'NO'                                             
    sct_abnd = Get_Stor_Contents(@sct+176 1)                            
    sct_cond = Get_Stor_Contents(@sct+188 1)                            
    sct_rc = Get_Stor_Contents(@sct+24 2)                               
    If j < step# Then                                                   
        dec_Rc = Right(X2d(C2x(sct_rc)),2,'0')                          
        hex_Rc = C2x(sct_rc)                                            
        prf = ' '                                                       
        ltrl = ' Rc(dec): 'dec_Rc ' Rc(hex): 'hex_Rc                    
    Else If j = step# Then                                              
        dec_Rc = '***'                                                  
        hex_Rc = '***'                                                  
        prf = '>'                                                       
        ltrl = ' *currently executing step* '                           
        dec_Rc = 'n/a'                                                  
        hex_Rc = 'n/a'                                                  
        prf = ' '                                                       
        ltrl = ' ***waiting for execution** '                           
    stpnam = Get_stor_contents(@sct+68 8)                               
    pgmnam = Get_stor_contents(@sct+124 8)                              
    stpnum = Right(j,3,'0')                                             
    lprf = prf'Schtepp 'stpnum' Stepname: 'stpnam ' Pgmname: 'pgmnam    
    If Bitand(sct_cond,'10'X) = '10'X Then     /* COND-Bypass */        
      ltrl = ' ***bypassed due to cond*** '                             
    If Bitand(sct_abnd,'04'X) = '04'X Then     /* Step Abended */        
      ltrl = ' **** Jobstep abended ***** '                             
    line = lprf''ltrl                                                   
    Say line                                                            
    @sct = Get_dec_addr(@sct+36 3)        /* sct next step */           
    If @sct = 0 Then                                                    
      last_step = 'YES' 
    j = j + 1                       
Parse arg value len                 
If len = '' Then                    
  len = 4                           
hex_value = D2x(value)              
stor = Storage(hex_value,len)       
hex_stor = C2x(stor)                
value = X2d(hex_stor)               
Return value                        
/* */                               
arg value length                    
hex_value = D2x(value)              
value = Storage(hex_value,length)   
Return value