Fault Analyzer not producing entries in jes2 log nor FA

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Fault Analyzer not producing entries in jes2 log nor FA

Post by dot1q3 »

Note* sorry if wrong section but i can't seem to find the section for Fault Analyzer

Why would some users able to generate FA entry in 1 lpar but not another one?

for example, userA logged into lpar X generated an abend but not able to see the fault analyzer portion in the jes2 log. however, when userA logged into lpar Y, submitted the exact same JCL, produced abend, and able to see the FA portion in jes2 log.
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Robert Sample
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Re: Fault Analyzer not producing entries in jes2 log nor FA

Post by Robert Sample »

Some IBM products are included in z/OS, but others (including Fault Analyzer) are not. If a product is not included in z/OS, the company pays a fee to use that product. And for such products, IBM charges are based on LPAR. So having access to FA in one LPAR and not another LPAR indicates that FA is licensed and running on one LPAR but not the other. You could confirm this by contacting your site support group, who can tell you what is licensed to execute on each LPAR at your site.
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Re: Fault Analyzer not producing entries in jes2 log nor FA

Post by Md.Imtiaz »

In our company, a production Job abend can only be seen in the Abend-Aid of Production LPAR, it's not visible in Abend-Aid for Test LPAR. I think you have a similar set-up.
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Re: Fault Analyzer not producing entries in jes2 log nor FA

Post by dot1q3 »

thanks guys for the response.

someone suggested i have the sysprogs check parmlib IDICNFxx.
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