zOS not getting triggered for debugging from CICS (Mainframe)

OS/VS COBOL, COBOL II, Enterprise COBOL for z/OS. OpenCOBOL and OOCobol.
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zOS not getting triggered for debugging from CICS (Mainframe)

Post by dhansr »


I have setup program using DTCN option and provided the ip address in CICS region. When i execute the CICS transaction the program is not getting triggered in debugging mode in zOS, could you please suggest what could be cause?

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DB2 Guy
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Re: zOS not getting triggered for debugging from CICS (Mainframe)

Post by DB2 Guy »

What error do you get? Could you share more details?
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Robert Sample
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Re: zOS not getting triggered for debugging from CICS (Mainframe)

Post by Robert Sample »

Most likely the TEST option was not used for the compile, or the Use CICS checkbox wasn't checked in the settings. Without more details about the error and message(s), that's about all that can be said.
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